We closed the online registration on August 29. Please contact the organizers to see if participation in the workshop is still possible.

Please follow these steps to register for the workshop:
  • Log in or create an account on the Miramar registration portal (Uda Ikastaroak). If your email is already used, request the password to be emailed to you.
  • Go "I am student">"My Registrations" and click on "Courses that I can enroll". Find our workshop either by its code (Z20) or by words in the title: "International Workshop on Quantum Spintronics at Interfaces (MAGNON)". Click on "Registration" on the very right and go through all steps until you register successfully. See below for useful tips and a detaled registration guide.
  • Every participant is welcome to bring a poster to the workshop. Please submit your name and email address in the form below to request a poster slot. There is also space in the program for several contributing talks. If you wish to apply, please write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. providing the title and abstract of your proposed presentation.

The conference fee is 300 €

During the online registration procedure you will be asked to pay a conference fee of 300 €. This fee includes lunches, coffee breaks, one conference dinner, and other expenses related to the workshop organization.

Tips for registration

  • When requested for an affiliation number associated with your institution, and if you don't have one, do enter any character (it is a compulsory field, so if not filled in, you will not be allowed to continue with the registration).
  • If you choose to pay by bank transfer, you will be requested to upload the proof of payment. If you don't have it at the time of registering, you might upload the following form (form4registration.docx or form4registration.odt) with your information. Then, you will be allowed to finish the registration and you will be given 10 days to go back to the registration platform and upload the proof of payment. Only then, will your registration procedure be validated.
  • You can find more detailed information here

Poster slot request:

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